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It all started with a small experiment.

We asked ourselves three questions.

Our story is about these three questions.

Escaro Royale About Us

Oh so beautiful, Philadelphia!

It all began in 2015, in the city of brotherly love, Philadelphia, USA, with a curious experiment to understand how luxury brands behave in the new digital world. Conventionally, luxury brands offer more of a rather expensive (and glittery) brick-and-mortar experience through physical touch and feel of the product. When we researched, we understood that most luxury brands had complex supply chains, huge deadstock, and multiple layers (wholesalers, distributors, etc.) - and these jacked up the prices for the end consumer.

Escaro Royale was born to solve three main questions:



The First Question

How do we eliminate the useless middle layers and reach the customers directly?
... and provide maximum value to our patrons.

In the traditional “distribution centric” retail model, the brand bears additional costs related to commissions, service fees, sales training, marketing materials and additional logicstic. In Direct-to-Consumer (D2C), there is no middleman. This allows the D2C companies to pass on the benefits to the consumer, while ensuring amazing quality of service.

At Escaro Royale ( we have pledged to be 100% D2C by removing all middle layers. It’s a win-win for us and our consumers.

Escaro Royale About Us

The Second Question

How do we become truly and completely customer-centric?

We understand happy customers are the real growth-engines for any company, including Escaro Royale. Hence, we have aligned our systems, processes, and software tools around our customers' fashion sense, preferences, and conveniences. Starting from product development to the last mile delivery, we ensure that we are constantly thinking from your perspective to bring to you a truly consumer-centric experience.


Escaro Royale About Us

The Third, & most important question

How do we eliminate the problem of seasonality and overstocking?

Deadstock is a huge problem in inventory-led business models. To solve this problem, we have created Ligo’s Internal ERP system called LERP, which allows us to maintain just-in-time inventory in order to eliminate dead stock and ensure zero wastage in our supply chain. The backend production units receive an order only when an order is confirmed. We don't stock inventory unless it’s for a historically popular design.

Escaro Royale About Us


"The True Essence of Luxury is what not to do - rather than what to do. Luxury isn't seen, it is felt. It isn't only a look, but also an experience. The minimalist nature of Escaro Royale products is a testament to the amount of thought and creativity that goes into each product. It's about what to eliminate rather than what to include."

Escaro Royale About Us

-Ambud Sharma

-Global CEO of Escaro Royale